→ Solving the Uber pricing issue. Decentralized ridesharing


An underpinning issue we’re seeing exists currently is the disconnect between current ridesharing companies such as Lyft & Uber. These companies take a major chunk of the pay received to drivers, leaving them with crumbs to work with. “In the rideshare industry, the intermediary's take rate can often exceed 40%. This means that a significant portion of the money paid by customers is taken out of local economies and funneled towards centralized, multinational intermediaries. “ ( sources: & ) This is where & seek to change the current narrative by leveraging DePin ( decentralized physical infrastructure network ) technology.

What is Teleport?


Teleport is built on top of TRIP, a decentralized ride-share protocol focused on providing higher earnings for drivers & lower fees for riders. By leveraging TRIP’s open marketplace-esque system, this creates a healthy competitive environment for drivers to earn a whopping 85% of their fees while creating an incentivized system for Client’s like Teleport to build on top of it.


The current narrative:


The new narrative:


This is a multi-faceted open loop that creates opportunity & win-win scenarios for all parties involved rather than a pyramid where the bottom beneficiary is the rider, the middle the driver, & the top the company. Operators are matching drivers and riders for trips, creating competitive pricing options rather than being tied to a fixed system. Clients are building applications on top of TRIP to service the ridesharing industry & leveraging this technology to revolutionize its centralized nature. You can read more about how the “fixed costs system” is mitigated here -

How do I benefit as a driver?