written by Vontarius Falls

Setting - A planet named Solana existing in the L1 star system. Two top minds have gathered to discuss a solution to a recurring problem that has faced their people for eons. Their chief scientist, Ylotana leads the discussion with his partner Jar hoping to secure their future before its too late.

Context - They are currently facing an outage which is affecting their DeFI ( Decentralized Food Infrastructure ), reducing the ability for the crops they need to survive to properly grow. The outage is caused by a rapidly growing population which causes more power consumption than can be absorbed through the strategic waypoints placed around the great energy force that gives their planet & others life, they call it Bitcoin. They’ve fought to find solutions to this problem but now the clock is ticking.


Jar ( another leading scientist ) address Ylotana:

Ylotana, we’ve tried everything but it seems our efforts only show us new ways to prolong our fate rather than change it. The council has sent an encrypted message of distress through the blockchain in hopes of it reaching someone who can finally save us from this plague of darkness. Had it not been for the immutable & decentralized nature of the blockchain system that connects all planets within our galaxy, our attempts to relay our distress would have been lost. As advanced as our civilization has become, why does this solution elude even our top minds? We’ve traversed to worlds beyond our own, showing the neanderthal infested planet of Ethereum new ways of growing their civilization, traveled though Layers & taught the secrets of life to the inhabitants of like planets Cosmos, Polygon, & Uniswap but yet we still suffer! Bitcoin, the ever shining source that lighteth all worlds has given us life but has that life outgrown what it can give? We have all the N.O.D.E.S ( Near Orbiting Decentralized Energy Storages ) our resources can muster at the time. Our crops suffer, the people bicker amongst each other, & hope is dwindling for our future. What happens now?


We do what we’ve always done. We bring into existence the world in which we wish to live. If we stop now, there will be no future for those that have come to call our planet home. I believe our solution lies in the problem itself. Maybe we just haven’t looked at it closely enough? There has been rumors of secrets hidden within the Tablets of Ihsotas that could change everything.


The Tablets of Ihsotas? Those were rumoured to be written before Bitcoin was ever created. Etched as cryptographic sequences hidden within the blockchain itself. How would we even know where to look for those? How do we even know if they’re real?


I’d heard these rumors as a young boy, before I’d began my work as part of the N.O.D.E.S Research Consortium. I’d began my own independent research investigating the nature & rationale of cryptographic sequences so that one day I would be able to locate the tablets.


Are you saying you know where they are?
